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Funny Bones

Helena Moore

                                            (Release date: 2/20)

From the book:


Fiddlehead and peeper,

Warbler, robin, wren,

I thought I’d die in waiting

For spring to come again.

But then with a call from the phoebe

But not yet a trill from the Glen

Comes the prayer, as well as conviction,

Spring will always come again.

For more than forty years I have used lines from favorite poets in my psychotherapeutic practice as clout to help positive change happen in my clients...and myself.

A poetic spark developed in me during my years in Manhattan with poet and therapist Dr. Jean Balderston.  Many years later a poetry group in New York State's Sulliivan County, with Will Conway, Tracey Ranze and Tina Hazarian, helped strengthen poetic voice.  Katherine, a daughter no longer among us, somewhere in her lifetime became, and continues to be, my Muse.  Now retired in New Orleans I am happy to say I am a member of the Maple Leaf Bar Poetry Group with Nancy Harris.

Thank you to Michael Czarnecki and the Springfed Series for this coming-out party for my unconscious, not yet with a name of its own.

                                     Helena Moore, Ph.D.

                                         nee Helen Brookins

Funny Bones is a 24 page hand-stitched chapbook  -  $8.00.

Release date 2/20

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Funny Bones




Funny Bones


