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Books Published in 2007

Leah Zazulyer - Songs the Zazulya Sang

Mike James - Alternate Endings

Ann Spiers - Long Climb Into Grace - Poets on Peace #13

Jane Hoogestraat - Winnowing Out Our Souls

Eric Lochridge - Father's Curse - Springfed #64

American Sponsored Torture - Gary Lehmann

Jennifer Gittings-Dalton - Bird in the Overhang - Springfed #65

Karen Bashkirew - Sanctuary - AWAY #2

Howard Good - Heartland - AWAY #3

Nanette Rayman Rivera - Project: Butterflies

Follow This Creek - Sam Calhoun

The Last Ceremony - Susan Deer Cloud

bare foot steps - jes wright

Boom Time - Leslie Miller

Ophelia's Offspring - Robert Milby

Breaking the Autopilot - Jamie Bird - Springfed #66

Everything As It Happens - Bernard Quetchenbach

Dane R. Gordon - Saint Petersburg - AWAY #4

Eternity and Other Mundane Matters - Robert Riche - Springfed #67

Kimberly Richardson - Rusty Typewriter - Springfed #68

Book of Enchantments - Beth Phillips Brown

The Wild Twist of Their Stems - Carol Graser

The Night We Danced With the Raelettes - Charles Rossiter

She Sleeps With Dogs - Maureen Owens

Godwit - Karla Linn Merrifield - AWAY #5

Down the Middle With a Nickel - Patricia Schwartz

Blue Ruby - Heather Thomas

Looking for an Eye - Peter Krok

Once - Michael Jennings

Fool's Gold - Eugene Stelzig

Plow Harrow Seed - Catherine Faurot

Out of Paradise - Michael Costanzo