Alicia Kenaley and Tamar Samuel-Siegel
Foreword by Linda Jolly
Cover Art: “Vulnerable” by Beth Landin
The proceeds from this book will go to support Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes. The book is being published as Planned Parenthood goes into its centennial year and is under continued attack from politicians who say they believe in less government, but overtly and aggressively work to legislate away their citizens' - particularly women's - sexual and reproductive autonomy. As we well know, women's rights are human rights. Reproductive rights are human rights. Planned Parenthood fights for these rights every day.
Karen Alpha Kaye C. Newbury
Sarah E. Blagg Maril Nowak
Louise A. Blum Lee O'Connell
Thomas Bragg Sheila Reed
Joe Caparulo Rachel Roupp
Steve Coffman Helen Ruggieri
Jennifer Hetrick Jane Sadowsky
Akua Lezli Hope Cynthia Louise Scott
Bob Ievers Elizabeth Stanley
Melora Johnson Connie Sullivan-Blum
Frank Judge Martha Treichler
Rosaire Karij Tom Tunnicliff
Miriam Nathan Lerner Lafayette Wattles
Chatham Lovette Bart White
Katharyn Howd Machan Kidd Williams
Dennis Maloney Martin Willitts Jr
J McKnight Leah Zazulyer
Rhonda Morton
To order The Sexuality Poems
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The Sexuality Poems is a 68 page, hand-stitched paperbook with spine. $15.
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