From the book:

Prologue to a Bumper Sticker

Living today

is making it normal

when people say don’t normalize they forget

it is part of a lot of people’s jobs to normalize

teachers  meteorologists oncologists

edgy comedians

folks just trying to make it through the day

when we say don’t normalize

we mean, keep the house

clear of dragon clutter

 normal should be some kind of sacred

 saying hi should be free of regret

 sweeping the floor should be absolutely good

 the story we tell should be absolutely true

 not qualified     

God must

bless every nation

no exceptions


William Pruitt is a poet, fiction writer, storyteller and assistant editor for Narrative Magazine. He has published poems in such places as Ploughshares,, Cottonwood, Country Journal,  Blueline, Ravensperch,  Otis Nebula and Stoneboat; in two chapbooks from White Pine (Ravine Street) and FootHills, (Bold Cities and Golden Plains); the self-published Walking Home from the Eastman House and two books from, The Binding Dance and The Teacher Who Told Stories. His stories have appeared in  recent issues of Indiana Voice Journal, Adelaide Literary Review, Oyster River Pages, Sick Lit, Crack the Spine Literary Magazine, Visitant, Midway and Hypertext. He has told stories at the Rochester Museum and Science Center and the National Women’s Halls of Fame and many other settings, and has performed his original story, “Two Kinds of Fear,” a documented telling of the lives of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass, at various venues in and around Rochester. He taught English to non-native speakers for 26 years for BOCES, for the University of Rochester and for the New York State Department of Migrant Education. He and his wife Pam live in Rochester and have a daughter, Cedar, a son, Elliott, and two grandchildren, Pearl and Axel.

Hands No Hands

is a 44 page hand-stitched chapbook - $10.00

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William Pruitt

Cover art by David James Delaney