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FootHills Publishing, Wheeler Hill, New York, is pleased to announce the release of "Death of the Frog Prince" by Howard Good.
In gathering the poems for this collection, I was surprised to find that I return again and again in them to certain subjects - family, Jewishness, the terrible human penchant for cruelty, the intractability of nature, and the thin, oscillating line between love and loss. But poems are more than their subjects. They are, or should be, experiences in themselves. I hope that the poems here, though few and relatively brief, provide the kind of refreshing experiences that some go to the wilderness, and others to the bar, God, or therapy, to seek.
Howard Good
From the Book:
The man in green looks at me narrowly
as if for an explanation of my name, my age,
the half-moons of sweat under my arms.
He asks insidious questions - where, how long,
why - to which I give approximate answers
while my suitcase lies open on the counter
and he bends over the common articles inside
like a doctor delving into a chest wound
to squeeze the small pink ball of my heart.
The line behind me grows numerous,
unaware, or perhaps just unconcerned,
that outside the modern glass terminal,
starving dogs prowl the city in packs
and the smoke of burning tires persists.
The man in green straightens up, nods.
This is whatever sign you say it is,
whatever year of whatever war.
Forgive me, frog, for what we did
long ago with our jackknives
behind bunk 6 at Camp Kahagan,
so little blood that it seemed like play
when we stabbed out your eyes
and laughed at your predicament,
11-year-old boys from all over
wiping our blades clean on the grass.
Howard Good (B.A., Bard College; M.A., University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a professor of journalism at SUNY New Paltz and the author of nine books, including Outcasts, The Journalist as Autobiographer, Girl Reporter, The Drunken Journalist, Media Ethics Goes to the Movies (with Michael Dillon), and Educated Guess. He also edited Desperately Seeking Ethics: A Guide to Media Conduct. His poems have appeared in St. Andrews Review, Midstream, Dalhousie Review, Northern Light, Plum Ruby Review, Rose & Thorn, Wilmington Blues, Stirring, 2River View, Conspire, and other journals. This is his first chapbook of poetry
Death of the Frog Prince is a 28 page hand-sewn chapbook.
ISBN: 0-941053-32-6 $7.00
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