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Darling, Morton
Breaking the Silence
Robert Darling
Robert Darling, Professor of English at Keuka College, has published two previous poetry chapbooks, Boundaries and The Craftsman's Praise, both by Somers Rocks Press. Twayne English Authors Series has published his study of the poetry of A. D. Hope.
Professor Darling's poetry, reviews and essays have been published internationally in numerous magazines, reviews and journals, in print and on the web.
From the book:
I never wanted cats, but took in three
to help a friend. They claw the couch and chair,
make me a member of the litter-ati
and coat my rooms in wall-to-wall cat hair.
Then when I find a moment I can write
one vomits on the floor (a feline critic?),
one thinks that pens are just the thing to bite,
the third is romping like a lunatic.
Seamus, Sukie, Whistler: deconstructors
though theory interests them less than a mouse.
Thank God for that. They do just as they should
in teaching me the joys of new disorders,
making a jungle of my boring house.
Bizarre, intruding beings. I think they're good.
Hand-stitched chapbook.
Seven Dollars.
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Breathing In, Breathing Out
Rhonda Morton
This collection comes from "breathing in" music, paintings, sculptures, photographs, poetry, literature, and dance - and "breathing out" words. Words that come directly from the work of art, or somehow refract unexpectedly.
With "inspiration" notes facing each poem, Breathing In, Breathing Out celebrates the ability of art to puncture a hole in our perceptions, to compel us to action, and even, at times, to create something entirely new in us.
Believing in the power of the spoken word, Rhonda Morton writes for live audiences, often layering her poems with sounds, song, movement and characterizations. She is the author of Woman Seeking Water (Foothills Publishing, 1997).
Hand-stitched, 40 pages.
TO ORDER Breathing In, Breathing Out ON-LINE
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