FootHills 2015
Welcome to FootHills Publishing 2015
To go to Michael Czarnecki's website click here.

Our 30th Year
of Small Press Poetry Publishing!

Books Published in 2015

Books Published in 2016

FootHills Publishing is not open for unsolicited submissions.

In July of 2012 we had a devestating fire that destroyed our home and business. There was a complete loss of all that we owned, including all of FootHills archives, inventory and equipment. With the incredible support of so many we were able to rebuid our home and business. Both are in use but still a lot of work to be done. FootHills Publishing is on a limited production schedule for the time being. It has been a slow process getting back to normal. Obviously, we have a backlog of books to release, but we will do so as we can. We can also fill any book orders for books listed on our websites, so don't hesitate to order books. Onward!

Books Published in 2014

Books Published in 2013

Books Published in 2012

Books Published in 2011

Books Published in 2010

Available Anthologies

Palm of the Hand Memoir site

If you want to browse our catalog of books
for information, purchasing or to read sample poems
please go to any of the following sites:


Springfed Chapbook Series

Poets on Peace


(Click here to see a complete alphabetical listing of
FootHills Poets with links to their book pages.)

Each book web page contains information about the poet,
books available for purchase and sample poems.

Contact FHP

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