Tom Blomain
Blues From Paradise
Thomas Kielty Blomain

Bring your heaven
Or your hell
With you
And whatever else you do
Try to sing a song of it

From the book:


Not quite to the river
The old sign on a pole
For Dark Region Road

A narrow dirt path
Along a creek bed past
Farmland inside a forest
Well beyond town

We went there as teens
Learning to drive
Miles from home
Or so it seemed
Hearing the legends
We stopped to look
And smoke

The tale of the loner
Parked with a shotgun
After the prom
Just before dawn
The echoing sound
The stories would spin
With each retelling
Details mixing to new
Dimensions every time told

The haunting of course
We didn't believe in

Not much in those bold
School days of youthful might
And loud swagger
Pretending everything was always cool

We never did go there
At night

A writer of poetry, stories, and songs, Tom Blomain is the author of Gray Area (Nightshade Press), and lives in Scranton's Hill Section with his wife, Jessica.

Blues From Paradise is a 56 page hand-sewn paperbook with spine - $15.00.


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