Patrick Sugrue
Patrick Sugrue
Short Zig Zags
Springfed Chapbooks Series #72

From the book:

Aptera 191

The wing that bends, but brings,
turns, amid land

The mechanized death

Snow covered prairie,
uninterrupted song

The caterpillar has overslept
to a wingless form

I am not alive!

Icarus of light,
tell us how

With embers, and salt,
angels have come
To melt the snow.

Patrick Sugrue is currently a student of creative writing at Loyola University, New Orleans.  Raised in a small suburb of Chicago, he has also lived in Tennessee, and most recently Mexico City.  His favorite poets are those of the Beat era: Jack Kerouac and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, as well as the Latin American greats such as Neruda and Sabines.  He has had a poem published in Loyola University's student literary journal Revisions.  He loves the woods, the city, his dog, and sci-fi movies.

 Short Zig Zags is a 24 page hand-stitched chapbook.   $6.00

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