Vicie Rolling
Vicie Rolling
Springfed Chapbook Series #71
Originally from New Jersey, Vicie has lived in upstate New York since the early `70's. For over thirty years she has taught in the fields of health and aging and she has appeared regularly as a motivational speaker. Her presentations include areas of healthy aging, joyful movement and dance, health and wellness and storytelling. She has been a featured speaker for large audiences at national and regional conferences. Currently, she is working as an educational consultant to the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care and writing poetry and prose.
From the book:
By Default
I am an aging woman
We are all aging…
I am alive and there, by default,
I am aging
What have I learned?
Aging waits for no one.
It appears gradually.
It appears suddenly
It comes too soon.
It comes too late.
It comes, ready or not.
It comes to the body and sometimes the spirit.
It stays too long.
It leaves too quickly.
It leaves us knowing,
Life was a gift
is a 24-page hand-stitched chapbook.
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