FootHills Publishing |
Mary Strong Jackson
No Buried Dogs
Mary Strong Jackson lives on the Great Plains in Scottsbluff, Nebraska where she is employed as a social worker.
Her work has appeared in various journals in the United States and England, and in the anthologies: At Our Core, Woman Writing about Power, Papier-Mache Press, Times of Sorrow, Times of Grace, Backwaters Press, and In the Arms of Words, Sherman Asher Publishing. Her chapbook, Clippings, was published by Pudding House Magazine, and Between Door and Frame was published by FootHills Publishing.
Mary was one of four Nebraska poets invited to be included in a Nebraska Education Television program featuring United States Poet Laureate, Ted Kooser, and Nebraska Poet Laureate, William Kloefkorn. The program aired on NETV in December 2005, and the DVD was presented to all high schools and libraries in Nebraska.
From the book:
No Buried Dogs
His arm crosses her right hip, forearm
on soft belly skin, hand cradles her thigh.
He sleeps. She wakes to a graceful world
that turns gently as the edges of a shy mouth
beginning its curve, a world sensual
as the soft whisk of low pine branches
sweeping the ground.
The flannel sheet breathes warmth
on her back while morning air
tucks itself around her one bare shoulder.
Her surroundings “become” as if today
is a coming-out party for the ordinary
and now there is no ordinary.
Here, there are no ghosts to embrace,
buried dogs, magic prayers, wealth,
oppressors, or measuring tools, only the
ordinary that repeats, illustrates, repeats,
in this moment, in this morning, in this life.
She gasps.
He stirs into their day.
ISBN: 0-941053-61-X
No Buried Dogs
is a 68 page hand-sewn book with spine - $14.00