Veronica Noechel
Veronica Noechel
E.V. Noechel fosters homeless rat for Carolina Pet Rescue in North Carolina. Her
writing is widely published and awarded. She was the recipient of the Kelty Award for Outstanding Local Animal Activism, grants and fellowships from the North Carolina Arts Council, the United Arts
Council, The Culture and Animals Foundation, Vermont Studio Center, Headlands Center for the Arts, and I-Park. She has been a dog trainer, a canine cookie baker and cookbook author, vegan personal chef, pet columnist for Doggie Fun, Innerchange, and is proprieter of Scrappy Rat Designs stationery company at She is a phenomenally silly person.
From the book:
Running away tonight I call
the last person I want to talk to,
quivered voice ready to go off
in a burst of tears at any moment.
Packing a grocery bag with
clothes, change, I make vaporous
promises I won't be around to keep,
eyeing the window, I'm not alone
one more time before burrowing out
like a ferret.
And I fail. My fingers get stuck on the
latch and I drag myself in, with 3 lbs of
dirt and 12 of humiliation rubbed into the carpet.
I lack the balls to destroy my own life
with crack and whoring and all
the other things I watched on Cops
from my white carpeted bedroom.
And in the morning, there is more.
There is always more.
Gone is a 40 page hand-stitched chapbook - $10.00
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